Book shifts on the go using Quick Nurse
Search for shifts – instantly
In a rush and looking for shifts? At the touch of a button, Quick Nurse automatically checks your home location and skills and shows the most suitable shifts, closest to you.
Manage your time
Add your availability to let us know which dates and times you’re looking for work. Telling us when you’re not available is equally important, and our ‘Unavailable’ and ‘Do Not Disturb’ options let you do just that.
Similar shifts
Once you book a shift, we’ll show you similar shifts that you may wish to book in the future.
Shift history
You can access your shift history, which may help with logging revalidation.
Find shifts wherever you are
If you’re away from home and would like to pick up extra shifts, you can search for shifts from your current location.
Plan your route to work
Find your way easily to your next shift with directions via a mapping app of your choice (e.g. Google maps).
Automatically add shifts to your device’s calendar
You can use your device’s calendar to manage your availability and shift bookings – so you’ll never double book.
Home dashboard
- Upcoming shifts: View your upcoming shifts at a glance, so you can plan your schedule accordingly
- Upcoming availabilities: Easily track and edit your upcoming availabilities
- Important notices: Stay up to date on important information, such as policy changes or promotions
- Compliances: View any compliances that are due or have already expired, and take action as needed
- COMING SOON. NMC/NMBI shift targets: See how you’re tracking towards your NMC/NMBI shift targets
Take a sneak peek…